Contact Lens in Newton Square

Almost Everyone Can Wear Contact Lens!

Thanks to advances in optical technology, almost everyone can wear contact lenses, regardless of the type or extent of their vision problems. This includes patients with astigmatism, high powers, or those who need myopia progression management, bifocal or multifocal lenses. We offer the best in contact lens technology to provide you with optimal vision, comfort, and health.

Contact lenses are a great alternative to wearing eyeglasses. An often unknown fact is that not all patients wear contact lenses as their primary source of vision correction. Each patient is different, with some patients wearing contact lenses only on weekends, on special occasions or just for sports. That is the beauty of contact lens wear, the flexibility it gives each individual patient and their lifestyle. 

At Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Associates we offer a wide variety of contact lenses to meet your lifestyle and vision needs. Whether you are new to contacts or have been wearing contacts for many years, we will evaluate your eyes and discuss your visual demands to select the best contact lenses for you. While annual comprehensive exams are important for your eye health, a contact lens evaluation is an essential additional step for those who wear contacts. Call our clinic in Philadelphia, PA today at (610) 347-7672.

Through our thorough comprehensive contact lens examination, it will be determined which brand and type of contact lens will best fit your visual, cosmetic and eye health needs. 

We offer the latest technology in Contact Lens exams to target specific eye problems like myopia progression, dry eyes, astigmatism, difficulty reading, and eye diseases. We are focused on giving you the best comfort and vision. Contacts are constantly being improved for more comfort and better vision. 

What Can I Expect at a Contact Lens Fitting and Evaluation?

We are experts in contact lens fittings and take pride in fitting all contacts from the most routine to highly complex fits. We provide access to the latest technology and information to patients of all ages. It is our focus to provide lenses that enhance your vision, promote excellent eye health and are comfortable. 

Contact lenses can improve both vision and quality of life. Lenses offer freedom from eyeglasses and provide superior peripheral vision. A comprehensive eye exam for contact lenses is performed before fitting any contact lenses. 

One size does not fit all when it comes to contact lenses. We will need to take some measurements to properly fit your contact lenses. Contact lenses that do not fit properly could cause discomfort, blurry vision or even damage the eye. 

For new wearers, you will be fit with diagnostic lenses. Next, you will be trained on their proper insertion, removal and care. We will schedule you for a follow up appointment a week or two later to further assess the fit, vision, and comfort of your new trial contacts lenses. This allows us to make any necessary adjustments prior to finalizing your prescription. 

For established wearers, we will ensure that your current contact lenses are keeping your eyes at their healthiest and your vision at your best. We will discuss compliance and the newest advancements in contact lens designs, materials, and solutions. If you are coming in for the first time to our office, please bring your contact lens parameters with you. If you are over 40 and experience problems seeing small print, for which you need bifocals to see close objects, your eye doctor may recommend multifocal lenses or a combination of multifocal and monovision lenses to correct your unique vision needs.

A Variety of Contact Lenses

Schedule a Contact Lens Appointment in Philadelphia, PA

Schedule a consultation with our experienced ophthalmologists today to discover the benefits of contact lenses tailored to your unique eye health needs. Call our clinic in Philadelphia, PA today at (610) 347-7672.

Our office will have limited hours from April 14th to April 18th. Please call ahead or check online for availability. Thank you!